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Who We Are

What Is Costa Rica Transformation?

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation

Founded by executive leader Stacie Brown, Costa Rica Transformation offers experience-based journeys for businesses and leaders, as well as individuals and families exploring a future or lifestyle in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Our Leadership & Development and Lifestyle packages provide curated itineraries based on group/business needs, including adventure-based activities in the remarkable environment of Guanacaste. This region of lush jungles, pristine beaches, and diverse ecosystems embodies connection and alignment. It is our belief that a life of joy, harmony, and happiness is obtainable when you define success on your terms. If you are seeking enrichment, either as an individual or a team, Costa Rica Transformation is the “Reset and Refocus” needed for greater awareness toward achieving your goals.

This principle is exemplified in the leadership team at Costa Rica Transformation. After life lived in the U.S., each team member has permanently relocated to Guanacaste, immersing themselves in the local community and culture. It is our firm commitment to not only foster this community, but preserve legacy through commerce, growth, and connection. We believe in giving back as much as you get—and we have gained much.

Grounded in 20 years’ experience in sales, executive training, and growth strategy, the Costa Rica Transformation coaching method is rooted in proven business processes paired with somatic techniques. We are “human-first” in all that we do—the nourishment of self, and community, is essential.

It is because of our unique experience that we have firsthand knowledge on what an (achievable) life in Costa Rica could look like for you. In addition to adventurous itineraries, we offer one-on-one coaching and consultancy services for long-term planning, investment goals, and lifestyle opportunities. Whether you are embarking on a new chapter or are seeking a transformative experience in Guanacaste, we are a conduit of connection through our network of real estate agents, developers, architects, and more. It is our aim to set you on the path toward the possible. We are honored to help you unlock, align, and thrive. And we believe it starts here.

Meet Stacie, our Founder

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation
Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation


Unlock, Align, and Thrive Through Connecting Purpose to Place


Core ValueS

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation
Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation

Give more than you take

Make lasting impressions with the clients, and communities, we serve.

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation

Be willing to take bold action

Accomplishments happen when we embrace courage over comfort.

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation

Believe in the possible

We know that any challenge can be overcome.

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation

Lead with transparency

Whether an obstacle or victory, we are unafraid, to tell the truth.

Business & Life Transformations | Costa Rica Transformation

Operate from a place of embodiment

We act in awareness of body-mind alignment.

leaf tropical


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